Dear delegates, the assertion all over that TTAG leaders allowed some sectors to vote whiles others were denied is something I can't fathom and wish to declare that it is not the truth.

Prior to the election, both presidential candidates promised to pay the dues for the 46 colleges of Education. 


On the day of the  election, we had an information from the formal PRM of EGA; Divine,  who made the leadership aware that Dennis( Nya Gyidie) had fully paid the dues for all the 46 colleges so the leadership should go for the receipts in order to attain accreditation cards for voting. 

The leadership in its quest to ensure equal representation of its membership during the election went to the polling center for the receipts but to our surprise, we didn't get the receipts with a reason being that the other Presidential candidate ( YB) has already paid the dues for all the colleges and this was said by Dennis. 

As leadership, our focus was not on who made the payment but rather, all our membership having the opportunity to vote. Our president  then proceeded to YB for the accreditation cards to be given to our delegates since full payment has already been made by him. 

We were then told by YB that only three sectors were catered for in terms of the dues payment of which the accreditation cards have already been given out without our consent.

We were then of the view that we came as five sectors but not only three Sectors hence the necessity of equal representation. 

📌 Dennis said he paid for all but it was refunded because YB already made payment.

📌 In this light, the question was " If indeed YB  paid for all , why then have some sectors been denied of the accreditation cards?" meanwhile the leadership was there for equal representation. 

In response to the above question, we then told the Sectors who were given the cards to halt voting until the leadership secure accreditation cards for all delegates. 

 To our amazement, the leadership of ASHBA flaunted our orders and voted making the others angry with a view that we allowed one Sector  to vote and denied the others the right to do so.

Dear delegates, if the leadership had wanted to disenfranchise anyone, we wouldn't have in the first place, halted GA and send our delegates to the  NUGS' Congress  grounds.

 We have been insulted, disrespected and this led to a lot of disappointment expressed in us because of the NUGS election. 

Nonetheless, NUGS is our mother Association so let us not allow this Congress disunite  us. Regardless, TTAG is what we have so let us shield her.

We have vowed  to champion the interest of trainees. So help us God🔥


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