

Life itself is a Mystery

Mystery defined by History

History full of Tragedy

Tragedy accompanied by Serendipity

Serendipity for the sake of Humanity

Life is like a train station

People come and go all the time

But the ones that wait for the train with you

Are the ones that are worth keeping in it

Life presents itself in different folds

Its either complicated, smooth, worth living ,tough etc

Life is a series of ups-and-downs

Doesn’t matter how many times you have broke down 

Its about how you stand up and move forward

Just remember that if you get up every time you fall down

You will have always gotten up one more time than you have fallen

Everyday you either pass or fail the test of life

Everyday is an opportunity to grow

Everyday is a chance to become a better person

Trials in life are not meant to make us fail, but to see how far we can fly

There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the pages and closing the book

Life may challenge you from the worst case ever. 

But don't be too afraid of fighting what's for you and what's for the better.

Expect less, prepare more.

Judge less, respect more.

Complain less, thank more. 

Regret less, smile more

Hope is very important for us

Because it can make our present moment less difficult to handle and bear

If we believe that our tomorrow will be better than our present then we can bear hardships of today

Accept what you cannot change

But then change what you cannot accept!

Procrastination becomes your pal when it all seem impossible

But if you look at it from the other side 

It says “I ‘M POSSIBLE”

Life just gives us time and space 

Its up to us to fill it 

Love your life and live the best of it.





